April 24, 2014

Control the Volume of Your Life: Lifestyles in Need of Hearing Protection

Control the Volume of Your Life: Lifestyles in Need of Hearing Protection

Welcome to a brand spanking new website that’s dedicated to helping folks gain access to the best hearing protection in the world. After being in the industry for close to 28 years, Dr. Maria Wynens is expanding the reach of her skills and acting as a digital portal to the most updated industry information. Keep hearing loss from happening in the first place! And, add immense clarity to the sound in your world. Educational. Fun. And, tailored to cater to those that are dealing with excessively loud sounds as a matter of their daily lives. Let’s talk about it:

The 5 Primary Lifestyles in Need of Hearing Protection

If you fit into one of these lifestyles then Safeguard Hearing is here to show you how to protect your ability to listen to life around you. It’s about avoiding tinnitus (ringing in the ears) by using modern innovation to improve sound quality.

  1. Music Lovers: Whether you’re up on the stage being bombarded by immense sound waves as a pro or amateur, or perhaps a sound engineer, In-Ear-Monitors are amazing! Sound levels are moderated so none of the quality is lost in translation. You actually hear better which makes for better performances, and a better listening experience if you’re in the audience.
  2. Tactical: Police, fire fighters, SWAT and any other tactical-focused professionals need to protect their hearing while at the same time being completely aware of their surroundings. Things can get loud in an instant and all communications need to be perfectly understood without sacrificing the amount of things that can be heard!
  3. Hunters: These days custom-made ear plugs and other hearing protection devices make it possible to have a much better hunting experience. Not only are the ears protected from gun shots, but you can hear slight ruffles of leaves, the bending of grass or the swift movement of prey on the run.
  4. Sports Fans: Maybe you’re a NASCAR fan that adores the mighty roaring of engines. Maybe you’re into soccer or football. Either way, sports games are incredibly loud at times. It’ll be a better game but you won’t have to stand around with your hands on your ears!
  5. Recreational: Weekend warrior, out in the yard with power tools? Hearing protection is a must. Live with someone who snores? Hearing protection is a must. Need to keep water out of your ears? Earplugs are a must.

Most of us fit into one of those don’t we? From folks that love to listen to music in their headphones throughout the day, to professionals of all kinds where noise hazards are par for the course.

How About Treatment & Correction

For those who are already dealing with slight to sever hearing loss, Dr. Wynens also has www.AtlantaHearingDoctor.com as well which is specifically devoted to helping people address it. Take the time to check out this site and the other so that you can get a well-rounded perspective on Dr. Wynens’ fabulous network of sound-lovers! Also, if you’re interested in all the latest models and incredible innovation coming out of the audiology realm, her website is a great place to keep yourself in the loop. Enjoy!

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